Flight Phobia, Fear of Flying, Fear of Airports

Are you fearful of flying by aeroplane?
Does your fear of flying or being in an airport -
Prevent you from booking the holiday abroad you really want to have because you simply do not think that you could cope with the experience?
Make the prospect of travel abroad by plane seem like a terrifying ordeal to be got through?
Is it affecting your career or business prospects?
If you do go ahead and fly abroad in-spite of your fear, does your fear –
Ruin the build-up to your holiday as well as the start and end of it?
Affect your family’s enjoyment of flying because of how they react to your fear?
Stop you flying long-haul?
Cause you to have to follow certain rituals at the airport or during the flight in an attempt to mask or control the fear?
Cause you to drink greater amounts of alcohol or take sedatives before or during the flight in an attempt to control or mask the fear?
My experience of
successfully treating flight phobias / fear of flying
For several years, I have been fortunate to help many people
– both men and women - overcome their flight phobias and fears. As a result of our time together, their
thoughts and feelings about air travel and their subsequent experiences of
flying on a plane have been completely transformed for the better. I have helped to free them from the
constraints of their fears , enabling them to travel by plane with ease, calm
and confidence - something that previously
would never have been a possibility for them without a great deal of distress
and trauma accompanying it. Our work
together to address their flight fears has had truly transformational results.
I can help YOU to overcome your fear of flying too
Initially I will talk
in confidence with you to learn about the precise nature of your fear and its
physical and mental affects on you. By also
gaining an understanding of how you want to feel about flying and your flying
goals when you imagine being free of your fear, I will devise a robust therapy
plan, with your full involvement and agreement, to help you release your fear of flying
quickly and with lasting results.
Our sessions together will involve a powerful combination of evidence-based therapies, all with proven success in overcoming fears and phobias. I will work with you to
Desensitise you from the triggers behind your
fear and traumatic memories responsible for the start of your fear, whatever
they may be
- Gently break the fear / phobia cycle that you personally experience
- Eliminate the unwanted and distressing symptoms that make up your personal fear
Transform your perspective relating to past
memories of flying and imagined future flights
Instill in you a sense of real confidence, of
safety and trust in plane travel and in the whole airport and flight experience
Help you move forward positively and achieve
your flying goals with ease.
Throughout out time
together I will do my utmost to put you completely at ease. Therapies that I will use during our sessions
will be only used with your full permission and may include some or all of the
following: Counselling, Cognitive Hypnotherapy, NLP techniques, EMDR and EFT.
Their precise use will be tailored by me to meet your unique requirements in order
to gain lasting results in the least amount of time.
Just imagine being set free...
Imagine what it would be like to be free of your fear of flying – it may be hard to envisage at the moment but take a moment or two now to reflect on the freedom and enjoyment that you would gain as a result of no longer being afraid of traveling by air.
Imagine the places
that you could visit without having to endure the fear, panic and extreme
stress that is currently your reality
when at the airport and/or on a plane.
Imagine feeling calm and composed at each stage of your flight before
arriving refreshed and unruffled at your destination of choice.
Imagine the impact that you being free of
your fear would have on your loved ones - how would they benefit from your
new-found confidence and ease about traveling by plane?
Contrast this future you with you as you are
right now: Your fear of flying very much present in your life and causing you- and
those you care about - untold distress, worry and misery as it seriously
curtails your ability to look forward to and enjoy traveling abroad by air.
Taking the Next Step...
If you have decided that enough is enough and you are
serious about finally getting free of your fear of flying, I can help you.
Please give me a call or email me to discuss your needs in
confidence with me:
CALL today on 07876 795871
EMAIL me by clicking HERE
All information is treated without judgement and in strict
I work to the highest standards of professionalism and
ethics as set out in the NCH’s Code of Ethics.